Indications for Authors Magazine

Indications for Authors

The journal is a magazine that has a peer review process, dedicated to the publication of original surveys, observations, scientific surveys and reviews in various fields of obstetrics and gynecology. The language of publication of the magazine is Romanian, with the title, abstract and keywords in English.

Citing references from magazine can help increase citations. Thus, it is important to recall the use of recent citations in the journal, especially by other authors during the editing of the manuscript, avoiding self-citation.

The purpose of the Peer Review Process

Thank you for your effort and expertise in contributing to the revision of the manuscripts, without which it would be impossible to maintain the high standards of the journal.
The peer review process is a critical element of scientific publication and one of the most important cornerstones of the scientific process. The peer review process has two important functions:

- Acts as a filter: properly check manuscripts before publication;

- Improves the quality of research: rigorous evaluation carried out by other experts in the field;

The user guide of the reviews adheres to the standards of the Elsevier Editorial System.

Ethical considerations

If the scientific project involves human or laboratory animals, the authors must state in the manuscript that the protocol has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution where the research was carried out. Experiments on live vertebrate animals or higher invertebrates must be shown to be ethically acceptable and in accordance with institutional and national guidelines or regulations for laboratory animals. Any form of record that can identify a patient must be excluded from the content of the paper. When clinical photographs of patients are presented, the patient's consent must be obtained before the manuscript is submitted, which is the responsibility of the author. If the manuscripts present medical research involving human subjects, the authors must include a statement confirming the informed consent obtained from all subjects, in accordance with the World Declaration of the Helsinki Medical Association. The publisher reserves the right to reject any document on ethical grounds. All authors are responsible for adhering to guidelines on good publishing practice.


The minimum requirements to be met concern the following aspects:

Preparation of Manuscripts

The journal publishes papers in Romanian. Only original, previously unpublished studies are accepted.
Papers will be uploaded electronically in .doc or .docx format. The form will include the title, full name of the authors, their institutional affiliation, a summary, 4-6 keywords, correspondence address and email of the authors.
Technically edit the material in Romanian characters, Times New Roman 12 p., Page A4 twice. In this format, the paper should contain a maximum of 25 pages.
All papers must be written in the style of scientific papers, with introduction, methodological section of materials and methods, section for presentation of results, discussions, conclusions and bibliography.

 Language: Review the manuscript carefully to correct any lexical or grammatical errors.

Minimum requirements regarding the structure of the paper:

Title: It must be as specific and suggestive as possible.

 Keywords: The 4-6 keywords should, as far as possible, not be identical to those in the title.

We recommend a logical division of the paper into chapters and possibly subchapters, the title of which should not be numbered. The title of the chapters must be written in bold, and of the subtitles in bold italics.

Introduction: The purpose of the article must be specified here, the reasons that determined the choice of the subject, the relevance of the article for the literature, the way in which the article will achieve its purpose (research methods used). The last paragraph of the introduction should also include a brief presentation of the structure of the article.

Materials and Methods: Papers involving this methodology should present research questions (study objectives), hypotheses, information on research methods, techniques and tools used. If survey data are submitted, the choice of subjects, the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the lots (samples), the percentage of non-responses and any other data considered relevant should be provided.

Results and Discussions: To be included in separate subchapters.

Conclusions: The review of the argument and the way it is supported by the presented data will be inserted, but the applications of the results for the discussed topic must also be included. Finally, the limitations of the study and the possible possibilities for further development should be mentioned.

Tables: They must be numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.) and contain a number and a brief legend, placed before the table, as in the following example:

Table 1: Xxx.

Any additional explanations should be inserted immediately below the table. Multiple tables will be labeled with lowercase letters of the alphabet (1a, 1b, etc.).

Graphs: All photographs, graphs and diagrams must be marked 'Figure' and numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.). Captions and numbers must be placed below the figure. Multiple figures will be labeled in lower case (1a, 1b, etc.). Explanatory texts with a very small font should be avoided, as well as variation in the size of the text in the graphics.

Provide a detailed caption (without abbreviations) and place it under the figure, as in the following example:

Figure 1. Xxx.

References in the text: Will be placed in parentheses (author's last name, year), Examples: (Breakwell and Lyon, 2005). If there are more than 3 authors, only the first should be mentioned in the reference in the text, followed by 'and col.' (Christensen et al., 2002).

References: The list of references must be placed in the 'Bibliography' chapter. In this context, we suggest you follow the current issue of the journal


1. Journal article:

Rice K (2011). Abdominal ectopic pregnancy, AJOG, 209 (4), 294-306.

2. Book chapter

Wilis TA, Mendoza D. (2012). Evidence-based surgery for cesarean delivery, in S. Charles (ed.), In: Cesarean delivery, New York: Elsevier, 405-409.

3. Author's book:

Held D, Lyons E. (2010). Endometriosis: a life cycle approach ?. Oxford, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

4. Paper presented at the conference:

Habich R (2012). The impact of uterine leiomyomas: a national survey of affected women. International Workshop. Europe and North America- Societies in Constrast. Hanse Institut for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, March 6-9.

5. Dissertation:

Chekola MG. (2005). Gestational weight gain as a risk factor for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Doctoral thesis, University of Craiova.

6. Articles / books in the press:

Morrison M, Tay L, Diener L. Congenital cerebral palsy and prenatal exposure to self-reported maternal infections, fever, or smoking. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, in press.

7. Articles published in an online journal:

Hirst JE, Ha LTT, Jeffery HE. (2008). The use of fetal foot length to determine stillborn gestational age in Vietnam. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 116 (1), 22-25. Available at

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